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5. Curious and Amazing Tales of Crosby and Sefton

These two areas to the north of Liverpool each have very special and, in both cases, very ancient histories indeed.

In this illustrated talk I will tell you about prehistoric Merseyside, and the Crosby Dinosaur in particular; plus the ancient human fossilied footprints that can be found on the shore.

I shall also tell you about the metal men (Another Place) that gaze out to sea from the beach; the Nude Bathers of Bootle; the Castle and Bathing Machines of enterprising William Spurstow Miller; the very ancient Crosby Stone; the Meccano Man and Dinky Designer; 'Roast Beef' the Crosby Hermit; the founding of The Grand National; and more stories.

Please call Ken for more details on this talk

Office: 0151 427 2717

Mobile: 07808 870 614

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